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Frequently Asked Questions

Report and Remove

Please report to [email protected] or [email protected] for images that violate the policy. We do not allow images of porn, sex, violence, drugs.

1. What is this site?

This site allows you to upload and share photos/images easily. It is a light-weight image sharing website. The aim of this project is to make image sharing simply easier, better! And it is free to use without having to register (sign-up).

2. How many servers are used?

Currently, there are two working servers we host all images on a VPS server now. (On 19/Nov/2014, has been moved to VPS as well) but there are two versions: alpha and beta. The Alpha version refers to ROT47 Picture Gallery and the beta version is We have gradually migrated from Alpha to Beta but both are still in use. It is recommended to upload images to Beta version since it is a faster server since it has a better/cleaner UI. Both Servers are accelerated by CloudFlare Content Delivery Network, which also helps to minimize the risks of DDos attacks.
Server1 = and Server2 = (Readonly and discontinued)

We migrated the server to West USA at 07/03/2017.

3. What picture formats do you support?

We support BMP, PNG, JPG and GIF.

4. What is the maximum file size?

5 Mega Bytes.

5. Are there any limitations on image dimensions?

The minimal width of the image is 260px.

6. How long are the files preserved in the server?

As long as we have money to pay off the server (maintance) costs. Donations are appreciated as they help improve the service.
Please Click Here: Paypal Donate to Help support this free service.

7. Will the uploads be removed because of inappropriate contents?

Yes, if they contain violence,or any other uncomfortable (ungly, disgusting) contents. Uploads are checked regularly. The major purpose of this site is allow users easily host their images for free. Report Images: abuse [AT]

8. Is there a maximum number of uploads per day?

No, but we monitor the server and will ban certain IPs if they overload the server (Fair Use Policy).

9. Does the server store/create thumbnails of the images?

Yes, when images are uploaded, the system will make various thumbnails of the pictures depending on the dimensions of the image. The thumbnail sizes from largest to smallest are 800, 500, 225 in the unit of pixels. The thumbnails will be created only if the dimension (width) is smaller than the original image width. The corresponding thumbnail URLs can be found under the image.

10. How do I subscribe to the pictures?

You could subscribe to the uploads easily by using RSS (Really Simple Syndication). You could choose any of the RSS Reader, e.g. Feedly.

You could also narrow the feeds by using key parameter, for example:
Also, you could use the num parameter to limit the number of feed items, the default is 100.
Both parameters can be combined using & symbol, for example:

If you just want to subscribe to the latest photos (without categories or key tags), the following Feed Burn URL are [recommended]:

11. Could you tell me where the server is hosted?

Yes, it is QuickHostUK. Click the following to get fast servers such as VPS or Dedicated Server.

12. Server SSL?

Both domains/servers have installed the SSL Certificates so all URLs will be forced to use the HTTPS version rather than insecure HTTP. The CloudFlare CDN helps to make all this possible.

13. Application Programming Interfaces

The following APIs are for server only. As of 07/03/2017, we remove the API support for server.

All APIs return JSON-encoded data.

Get Total Number of Pictures (Server 1 Only)
returns domain and its corresponding total number of items.

Get Total Number of Search Results
gets the number of pictures with the keyword sexy

Get Parameters of Given Picture ID

This API returns the parameters given a picture ID.
{"id":"1971","url":"upload\/2015\/07\/16\/a9d64bab74fe51c0208f0267cb8425cd.jpg","flag":"3","created":"1437073990","count":"2522","search":"138","last":"1449942465","title":"Poor .NET developer","width":"1243","height":"845","size":"147548","filename":"kevin.jpg [Funny]","comment":"This image is uploaded by anonymous at Thursday 16th of July 2015 07:12:49 PM.Poor .NET developer","ip":"","checksum":"a9d64bab74fe51c0208f0267cb8425cd"}
The Image URL is for example,

You can construct the RAW URL by the return url value. For example,

The list of values return:
id = decimal number in this case 1971 (10) = vN (62)
url = raw relative picture location
flag = 3
created = timestamp
count = views
search = search engine hits
last = last view timestamp
title = titile
width = pixels
height = pixels
size = bytes
filename = original filename
comment = description
ip = ip address
checksum = md5

Search Pictures

Similar as count API, returning the actual list of pictures instead of numbers. For example,
gets the number of pictures with the keyword gif
[{"id":"270","url":"upload\/2014\/01\/04\/1e49dfb52e0fc97869189fb3aa1a3caf.gif","flag":"3","created":"1388882265","count":"66","search":"240","last":"1449958513","title":"Mouse scroll","width":"437","height":"262","size":"49182","filename":"1388682100_605331.gif","comment":"","ip":"","checksum":"df6ea9d4575fba19bf64a2909f959dde"},{"id":"603","url":"upload\/2015\/12\/12\/1ec57f62d6e6be5e532f5663db67e470.gif","flag":"3","created":"1449940502","count":"2","search":"0","last":"1449940502","title":"After candle naked","width":"426","height":"408","size":"4051250","filename":"naked-after.gif [GIF]","comment":"This image is uploaded by anonymous at Saturday 12th of December 2015 05:13:18 PM.","ip":"","checksum":"1ec57f62d6e6be5e532f5663db67e470"}]
You can specify the parameter start and offset to limit the search results.
[{"id":"2148","url":"upload\/2015\/12\/12\/b18452a154ce2f4c9aec9f430b55a67c.jpg","flag":"3","created":"1449936858","count":"5","search":"0","last":"1449936858","title":"Sexy Lingerie Model","width":"1280","height":"1873","size":"363241","filename":"sexy-lingerie-model.jpg [Women's Lingerie]","comment":"This image is uploaded by anonymous at Saturday 12th of December 2015 04:12:36 PM. \u6027\u611f\u5185\u8863\u9ed1\u4e1d\u6a21\u7279","ip":"","checksum":"b18452a154ce2f4c9aec9f430b55a67c"},{"id":"2146","url":"upload\/2015\/12\/09\/d9097fbabef0089592d8cc7ed348d7a4.jpg","flag":"3","created":"1449622744","count":"21","search":"3","last":"1449793626","title":"sm doggy style","width":"1280","height":"1280","size":"611526","filename":"sm - doggy style.jpg [Adult Only (Sexy)]","comment":"This image is uploaded by anonymous at Wednesday 9th of December 2015 12:58:18 AM.","ip":"","checksum":"d9097fbabef0089592d8cc7ed348d7a4"}]
You can also specify the parameter sort:
  if (isset($_GET['sort'])) {
    $sort = (integer)$_GET['sort'];  
  switch($sort) {
    case 0: $order = 'order by `count` desc, `created` desc, `last` desc'; break;
    case 1: $order = 'order by `last` desc, `count` desc, `created` desc '; break;
    case 2: $order = 'order by `search`, `last` desc, `count` desc, `created` desc'; break;
    case 3: $order = 'order by `search`, `last` desc, `count` desc, `created` desc'; break;
    case 4: $order = 'order by rand() desc'; break;
    default: $order = 'order by `size` desc, `last` desc, `count` desc, `created` desc'; break;

Upload a local image file

You can use the API
to upload a picture given a local file path and corresponding meta data e.g. title, description. The parameters required are:
file = @local file path
title = at least length 5
desc = description at least length 5
cat = category string at least length 5
private = if set, do not list the upload to public database (hidden from search)
group = optional string to group pictures together, if left empty, the category string will be used.
On success, it should return something like this:
Otherwise, it should return something like this:
{"error":"Sorry, Image seems uploaded before: <a title='Duplicate Image Upload' href='https:\/\/\/share-picture\/9R'>Pretty Lady<\/a><BR\/>","ip":"87.114.95.*"}
All APIs are closely and carefully monitored. Some APIs might be blocked or suspended if malicious usage are observed. Example Usage:
curl -X POST -F '[email protected]' -F 'title=Sexy Legging' -F 'desc=Sexy Legging Girl' -F 'cat=Beauty Women'

Get Random Photo

You can use this API:
to get a random picture (with keyword BingEverydayWallpaperPicture). See the following HTML code:
<img src='' style='max-width:50%'>
produces (Ctrl + F5 to click the browser cache):

You can also use the following cached version (refreshed every 30 minutes):
The key parameter is optional so if you leave it empty, it will choose any random photo from the total picture database.

Upload a Picture from Web URL

You can use the API
to upload a picture given a web URL and corresponding meta data e.g. title, description. The parameters required are:
url = should start with http:// or https:// (lowercase)
title = at least length 5
desc = description at least length 5
cat = category string at least length 5
private = if set, do not list the upload to public database (hidden from search)
group = optional string to group pictures together (default to category)
On success, it should return something like this:
Otherwise, it should return something like this:
{"error":"Sorry, Image seems uploaded before: <a title='Duplicate Image Upload' href='https:\/\/\/share-picture\/9R'>Pretty Lady<\/a><BR\/>","ip":"87.114.95.*"}
All APIs are closely and carefully monitored. Some APIs might be blocked or suspended if malicious usage are observed. Example Usage:
curl -X POST -F 'url=' -F 'title=Sexy Legging' -F 'desc=Sexy Legging Girl' -F 'cat=Beauty Women'

14. How long has the server been running?

I assume you meant the Uptime. The following status (if shown) updates e.g. every 5 minutes or so.
Status for Server: Not Available.   |   Back To Top   |   Upload and Share   |   About Us   |   Text Links   |   Faq   |   Terms of Service (Privacy)