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teded: This astronaut looks a bit happier than Sandra Bullock or George Clooney. Who’s your pick for Best Picture this year? From the TED-Ed Lesson Life of an astronaut - Jerry Carr Animation by Sharon Colman Graham @tumb.epicks.item.2032141556009 (63 views)

teded: This astronaut looks a bit happier than Sandra Bullock or George Clooney. Who’s your pick for Best Picture this year? From the TED-Ed Lesson Life of an astronaut - Jerry Carr Animation by Sharon Colman Graham @tumb.epicks.item.2032141556009, wHPFGX [teded: This astronaut looks a bit happier than Sandra Bullock or George Clooney. Who’s your pick for Best Picture this year? From the TED-Ed Lesson Life of an astronaut - Jerry Carr Animation by Sharon Colman Graham @tumb.ep

Full Image Resolution: teded: This astronaut looks a bit happier than Sandra Bullock or George Clooney. Who’s your pick for Best Picture this year? From the TED-Ed Lesson Life of an astronaut - Jerry Carr Animation by Sharon Colman Graham @tumb.epicks.item.2032141556009

wHPFGX [teded: This astronaut looks a bit happier than Sandra Bullock or George Clooney. Who’s your pick for Best Picture this year? From the TED-Ed Lesson Life of an astronaut - Jerry Carr Animation by Sharon Colman Graham @tumb.ep

See similar pictures of teded: This astronaut looks a bit happier than Sandra Bullock or George Clooney. Who’s your pick for Best Picture this year? From the TED-Ed Lesson Life of an astronaut - Jerry Carr Animation by Sharon Colman Graham @tumb.epicks.item.2032141556009

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