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The Hands (14 views)

The Hands, 2022-06-03 08.52.55.jpg [Other]

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2022-06-03 08.52.55.jpg [Other]

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mariannewiththesteadyhands: Hermione for awfulreference! merry christmas Micky I’m your art school secret santa!!  brockdavis: At ease, soldier. My son asked me why his army men are on standing on skateboards. So we made this scene for fun. Cut the rifle out of this soldier’s hands, glued rocket launcher pieces to make the wheels and glued him to the sink.  hands grabbing the sand stars. Haven’t done a full on acrylic painting since college, almost forgot how much fun it is to get my hands dirty with colors muds. Here is my water tower for the ‪#‎50towers‬ show curated by SooJin Buzelli and Chris Buzelli, featuring 50 handsomedogs: This is Ginger who tagged along on a backpacking trip at Dolly Sod, West Virginia. teded: Because it doesn’t have any teeth, the Yara-ma-yha-who uses the suckers on its hands and feet to drain its victims. From the TED-Ed Lesson Vampires: Folklore, fantasy and fact - Michael Molina Animation by The Moving Company Animation St 1000drawings: Cold hands by liga-marta matttaylordraws: Portrait of a handsome gentleman shaving for this month’s German edition of GQ. staypozitive:<br /><br />Holding hands may seem like an innocent gesture,... (Spring)